Blog Archive

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving this year started with fresh pressed apple cider and homemade doughnuts at Cam and Jill's. A new tradition has definately been established. Nancy and Dale graciously hosted Thanksgiving dinner and it was very beautiful. Sadly, it was Tony's turn to be on call and honestly, without him, it isn't the same.

We would also like to thank Cameron for hosting the first annual wrist-rocket marshmellow battle. Despite stinging buttocks from rapid fire marshmellows, we had a great time.

When we took turns saying what we were thankful for, Cooper said he was thankful for the boat. (Parting with it will be painful for all of us). Max was thankful for his bike, Wilson for his Aunts and Uncles, and Eliza for her Mom. Marcos' thanks is anyone's guess. I was thankful that my Mom was able to go for a bike ride in sunny Arizona for the first time since college. It was odd not having them for the holiday, but as the cold wind blows in single digits, I'm thankful they are right where they are. I've never heard my Dad sound so happy.

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