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Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Bunuelo

Little Marcosito turned 3 this month. For the first time in 5 kids I bought birthday theme napkins, plates and party whistles. He's been talking about "Lightning McQueen" for months and I just got suckered in. He was thrilled. Marcos is the brown eyed unifier of our family. I know each of his siblings think they are his favorite. In the mornings he starts his rounds, crawling in bed with Cooper or Wilson to snuggle, waking Max with offers to share his toys or soliciting Eliza to help him in the kitchen; ("eat?" "banana?" "toast?"). His most used phrase is, "me come?" because he hates to be left out of anything, even a trip to the bathroom.
Marcos will be a sunbeam after the first of the year and will even start a day of preschool. Despite Eliza's best efforts he isn't a baby anymore. His personality is emerging everyday. He teases Max mercilessly. He laughed himself silly the the other day when I asked what he wanted for lunch and he responded with, "POOP!" We are thankful every day for the chance to enjoy our little Guatemalan.

1 comment:

Child of God said...

Beautiful pictures Kelly. Happy Birthday, (belated) Marcos.