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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wilson's conference trip

I went to a fire side with eli and jonah i saw unga and all the other tongans and they were singing and were awsome. I also went skiing and got sun stroke the affects of it is dizziness and shaking feeling like your going to throw up and its miserable. I wake up at night every night and my face is pealing. I also went to confernce live. You could realy feel the sprit strongly. They even sang my favorite song, "Praise To The Man."


Cynthia said...

How neat is it to see conference live I am really glad you were able to do that!

andrea said...

Wilson, "Praise to the Man" is my favorite song and Jonah's song too. When they announced in conference that they were going to sing it Jonah and I both said, "YES!" at the same time. No wonder we are all friends.

Sorry about your sunburn and sunstroke. Anna got really burned too, even though we put sunscreen on her twice.

molly said...

Wilson, this is fun to read. I got to go to live conference last fall and hear President Hinkley speak for the last time. The choir sang my favorite pioneer songs and I sensed a gathering with my pioneer ancestors.