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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Summer's grand finale

 If Summer has to end, it is good to go out on a high note.  We just enjoyed almost 2 full weeks of CSC and Diamond Lake fun and everything about it was pure bliss.  

On Monday night after work, Tony, Sam, Mom and Dad and I loaded up in the pickup and pulled the camping trailer to Tyler and Chelsea's house.  We added Tyler and Owen's sleeping bags and tent into the pick-up and got a good night's sleep before driving to Missoula.  Tony drove the whole way and I sat between Sam and Mom trying to mitigate the angst of a teenager who didn't want to be there.  In Montana we stayed at a peaceful RV park with a pool, hot showers and mini golf.  Mom made a yummy stroganoff dinner and we tucked in for the night.  Sam insisted on sleeping in the pickup and didn't get much rest, but the remainder of us were rested and ready to finish the journey by morning.  Fueled by Dad's yummy granola, we stopped in Couerdlane to get our Costco supplies.  After surviving the worst Costco ever, we were on the road with a final destination of CSC.  

When we arrived, everyone but Jeff and Stacey had beat us there and Cam and Jill's friends were there with their surf boat.  We were missing a lot of people this year, most notably Kate, Chelsea, Kolby and Eliza.  Chelsea stayed to get Kate ready for her humanitarian trip to Peru.  Eliza realized that she couldn't afford to miss that much work, so she stayed.  Coop is working 6 days a week so he and Jes weren't able to join either.  Max, of course, choose not to engage in any family connection. ( I pray every day that someday he will. ) Corbin was working and Evan was still in Portugal-but only for 4 weeks more! Tony was anxious to get on the beautiful smooth water to ski.  He took a hard fall and ruptured his eardrum!  That night I came into the tent to find him near tears suggesting we head into the ER.  I gave him some medicine and suggested a blessing.  After a hunt for consecrated oil, (I need to be more prepared) Cameron and Jeff gave him a healing blessing and minutes later he was sleeping peacefully.  Even more miraculously, he woke up pain free in the morning.  It was another priesthood miracle.  I wrecked skiing too, but did not require a priesthood blessing for recovery, because it was mostly my pride that was injured. 

Jeff and Stacey camped this year in their parent's RV.  They were the organizers this year and kept the schedule loose, which everyone liked.  Our swag was CSC21 pajama pants.  Jeff had a really fun idea to meet every night to pass on family stories which he called "oral traditions."  Dad told the story of averting battle when he was reassigned, last minute, in Vietnam.  I told the story of Mom being run over when she was 18 months and living because of a priesthood blessing.  

We enjoyed ethnically diverse food this year:  Indian Butter Chicken, Mexican Tamales, and Italian Bowtie pasta.  Kimberly made her famous crepes with ALL the toppings and I did bagel breakfast sandwiches.  We had plenty of red licorice and Mom brought 27 loaves of her famous banana bread.  

Sam and Lane spent most of their time together, except when Lane was skiing, surfing or driving the boat.  Sam refused to even try, but he did at least go to take pictures and video.  One afternoon Lane, Sam, Maren and Millie were on the boat and the sheriff pulled them over.  Maren (age 13) was driving and Lane was skiing.  There was no flag in the boat and the tabs were expired.  CSC miracle #2-no ticket!

One fun afternoon we made an obstacle course with all the floating devices: paddleboards, George board, inflatable hamster wheel.  What really entertained the kids the longest was a giant hole that Kimball and Lane dug on the beach.  It made the perfect hot tub.

Tony and I swam the river, one of us swimming and the other kayaking and to our surprise Cameron joined us.  Jill swam too, but is out of our league as she continues to train for her IronMan.  

I loved that Jake and Callie and the boys joined us on Friday and Saturday.  Henry immediately crushed on "Erin" (Maren) and spent every waking minute with her and Oliver spent his time gloriously eating rocks and sand.  Kimball, who is struggling a bit, got time talking to Jake, especially about his mission.  Jake and Callie are in the thick of it.  I wish I could take away all their hard stuff, but I'm not their Savior.  They have a Savior and he knows them and what is best for their family.  

On Friday night we did the "birth canal" with lots of stand ins and especially celebrated Stacey's graduation with robe, mortar board and a kazoo performance of pomp and circumstance. Jeff gave a beautiful retelling of Peter's question to the Savior, "to whom else should we go?" and brought a really sweet spirit to the campfire.  Jeff and Stacey's campfire treats were the best:  cinnamon rolls, pound cake, berries and cream and soda floats.  Ironically, all the "campfire" stories and treats were done without a campfire because we were surrounded by terrible forest fires on all sides.  The smoke was terrible and the air was hazy, but truly the water is incomparable, for swimming, skiing or gazing.  The zip line, tube rides and clay island traditions have ceased but the George board continues to be the best money we ever spent.  It's a teeter toter, island, king of the mountain, pyramid base etc.  The undying traditions were Riprope, Dock Frisbee, and the water ski course.  The new tradition is Dustin's kneeboard.

On Saturday we slowly packed up to leave.  I hit a new low and allowed my resentment from past years to rear its ugly head in the form of passive aggressive behavior.  While I wrapped up cleaning, and took a final swim, I made everyone wait, dying of heat, in the truck. It wasn't until I took the sacrament on Sunday that I was able to own my poor behavior and apologize for being such a selfish jerk.  I was sorry to have ended that way and grateful that everyone forgave me.  

I love CSC.  I don't know how long it will last, and even without the majority of my kids, it is a happy place of connection and peace.  I am PNW through and through and just the smell of pineneedles and the feel of cool water is relief to my soul.  

After dropping Mom and Dad off at Cam and Jill's and setting up their trailer, we left Sam to attend the stake dance with Lane and headed up to Diamond Lake.  Jeff and Betsy were already there and it was a happy reunion.  I can't believe we hadn't seen Jason and Andrea since last Thanksgiving.  We had just enough time for a late dinner, refreshing swim and good conversation before bed. On Sunday we attended church at the Newport ward. and all the big kids attended the YSA ward.  Sam had forgotten his Sunday clothes so he and Jack came in their shorts and tshirts and Andrea and I marveled at how much we have changed from our first kids.  Poor Wilson and Eli would probably have been shamed and banned from sacrament meeting!  We've come a long way. It was so wonderful to sit together in the living room to study our come follow me lesson together. It is natural for all of us to discuss the gospel and feels so good to be in a group with similar convictions and testimony.  Mom and Dad joined us as we were wrapping up  and we started supper.  After lunch we broke into interesting conversation groups, and I ended up with John and Luke.  Both these boys are struggling and lost and we talked in depth about their concerns and worries.  I am relieved that I say fewer stupid things after years of counseling and am getting better at just hearing pain and listening.  I was especially happy to have Callie come for the rest of the afternoon, by herself.  She needed to talk and as Andrea, Betsy and I gathered around her I could not help but feel the power of the priesthood as we ministered to our sister.  Andrea especially encouraged Callie to do the work she needs to do to get healthy.  It breaks my heart to see Callie hurt, to see Jake hurt, and to see them compete against each other instead of working in tandem.  I don't know how their story ends, but in any outcome, they both need to identify, feel and share their pain with each other or someone.  I know they both want to do it for their boys, but it must be so scary.  Sunday was a day full of true ministering and repenting.  

Monday was glorious.  We skied, surfed, played pickleball, ate amazing food and talked and talked.  Jack and Sam were hilarious.  They fished, took frequent trips to restaurants and drank tons of soda.  Happily, Sam seems to regulate Jack and they feel comfortable together.  On Tuesday all the big kids headed back to Provo.  Luke invited the rest of us to Spirit Lake where his family has a 5 generation cabin.  He was so proud to show it to us.  We swam and took a ride on his pontoon boat where Jeff battled giant spiders while Tony shouted orders.  Luke even took the boys on Jet ski rides.  After visiting Spirit Lake we drove into Hayden to visit Jason's favorite pickleball store.  One of the highlights of the trip was Jason's pickleball outfit: visor, shirt, pants, socks and court shoes in bright green and orange.  Pickleball is serious business and Jason is 100% in.  Jeff, Tony, Jason and Lily spent hours enjoying the game together.  Jack and Sam spent some good time shooting hoops and we are all grateful for the generous neighbors and their sweet sport court.  We had dinner at the taco trucks in Hayden and came home for a night time surf run.  With the bright lights on the boat we could surf in the moonlight.

3:45 came early and Andrea and I were up and ready to take Betsy and Jeff to the airport.  We never want to say goodbye, but thank goodness they flew so we could have an extra day.  We stopped by to see Andrea's office and were home before anyone had really awoken.  After a good nap and a run, Wednesday turned into a purely magical day.  The smoke lifted, and the air and water temperature was perfect.  WE had lunch at Bushels.  By some miracle Andrea and Jason got Jack and Sam on the boat and into the water.  After a few tries, Sam finally surfed.  He was so proud of himself when he showed us the video and I think his confidence grew by a mile.  It was so hard for me to stay in the present and celebrate the moment instead of mourning an entire summer of wasted opportunities. Andrea definetely won the patience prize for managing both Jack and Sam all by herself.   It was the perfect summer day on all fronts.  It was also fun to end every night with Olympic highlights or a little Dance Marshall and popcorn.  

Thursday came all too soon.  We said goodbye and went to hook the trailer up at Cam and Jill's.  By divine intervention Jill had purchased Mom a flight home with Tony and Sam.  That meant it was just Dad and I pulling the trailer all the way home.  We headed out about 12:00 and after an unfortunate poop and pee explosion, when we tried to dump the trailer, were on the road.  It was a peaceful drive with just the two of us taking turns driving,  listening to our audio book, and having natural conversation.  We stopped the first night in Dillon, slept well and then drove all the way home.  We did make a quick stop at Tyler and Chelsea's to drop off their stuff.  We couldn't get out of Salt Lake fast enough as the air quality from smoke was the worst in the whole world.  In my lifetime, I've enjoyed a few trips just with my Dad and every time it has been a wonderful chance to learn something about him I didn't know.  At the end of the trip I tried to thank Dad for giving me an identity that has precipitated every good thing in my life.  I'm not sure I was success, because I was trying not to get too emotional.  It was a pretty sweet ending to great summer weeks.  

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