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Sunday, June 7, 2009

warm, warmer, warmest

This is the time of year when time speeds up and we try to wring every precious moment out of summer. We officially kicked off lake season on Memorial Day and despite frigid bone chilling temperatures, Tony skied and the kids jumped in the lake.

The work on the house continues. Cameron and his guys nearly killed themselves getting our roof on in a timely manner and last week when we had two big summer storms, we were snug as bugs. The house project has been enlightening as it has provided a lot of work opportunities for our kids. Last Saturday was a real low point in our parenting journey. It was Saturday and we had a whole lot of cedar shake to pull off the roof and clean up. The murmuring and complaining started early and ended poorly with two very discouraged, disappointed parents and five confused and unhappy children. In an effort to push my buttons Wilson told me he didn't want to work because, "it was boring and that's what we hire people for." That was indeed a large red button and everyone within a five mile radius got to see the physcho side of me. Tony and I realized we need to make sure that we are clear with our expectations when we start a project and use rewards less.

The following Saturday went much better. The kids and I tore out a wall of double thick wood planks, busted out drywall, and pulled out the carpet to take to the dump. They worked as hard as I did. Later that night we saw a movie but I was careful not to associate it with the work project. No one gets paid for Saturday work projects (part of being in the family) and allowances have stopped until the kids have proven their work ethic. It was a good wake-up call, a humbling experience and a realization that there is still time.

Last Sunday we spent the afternoon with Mom and Dad and Jeff and Stacey. We had the nicest afternoon at Manito park. The boys caught turtles from the pond, while the little kids played on the swings. Summer felt official when we sat on the patio enjoying homemade ice cream and fresh rhubarb cobbler.

We are being eaten alive by mosquitos. Poor Marcos was unrecognizable with the 20+ bites on his face.

The kids are done with school this week. I'm not as ready this year as in the past. I have to work hard to find the balance between having a fun summer with the kids and getting the house back in order. This is when good routines and traditions really pay off. Already scheduled: camping trip with Workmans, our weekend at the lake with Hainsworths, Cousin ski camp and family reunion. I bought Jungle Book to read to the kids at night and am committed to doing at least one craft a week with Eliza. If we endure swimming lessons, learn to do our own laundry and make one meal a week, summer will be considered a success.

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