Blog Archive

Sunday, July 13, 2008

rockness monster

I would like to personally thank the people who help spread the word about how haunted Rock Lake is. I owe them a great debt as we indulge in the joy of being the only boat on a perfectly smooth lake. Besides the fact that I don't have to pack food or changes of clothes, the proximity and minimal travel makes Rock Lake my all time favorite place. Eliza tried skiing yesterday, Cooper wakeboarded and skied, and Wilson got up on one! Max's great accomplishment was to swim around the boat while shrieking in terror that fishes were attacking his legs. We have some work to do with him.

As perfect as yesterdays ski trip was, I have to say I had equal fun on Friday night. The big boys were at their last hunter safety course so Tony and I took the little kids to Rock Lake in the canoe. I loved paddling around the perimeter and watching all the birds and fish. Marcos slept peacefully the whole time because it was so quiet. When we got home the boys built a fire and we roasted marshmallows and made popcorn. Add to that a great bike ride with Betina earlier that afternoon, and my day was as good as it gets.

Wednesday night was another of my self induced adventures. Two friends and I made a date for the Mozart concert at Manito park. I offered to drive so that I could take the boat into the shop on the way. Unfortunately, I failed to check the gas gage and we were bone dry when we hit Spangle. For future reference, Spangle gas station does not sell diesel. If you want diesel gas in Spangle, do not ask any of the men working near the gas station or sitting in diesel fueled farm trucks. They don't know anything about diesel. Instead desperately wave a 100 dollar bill at the sweet white haired lady who lives across the street and beg her to run her fuel card. Thankfully we were able to drop off the boat in the knick of time and get to the park with plenty of time to discover that the concert is actually next Wednesday. :) The evening really did turn out nicely despite the rough start. We had a lovely picnic in the beautiful gardens then walked around the houses in Manito. It was a great break from the kids, a gorgeous night and the creme brulee at Twigs was worth everything.

On Thursday I took the kids to an Arrow of Light presentation for cub scouts. I vacillated between awe and hilarity as grown men and women in full Indian headdress performed an elaborate "cross over" ceremony for the 11 year old scouts in the ward. There were no less than 50 dead animal pelts decorating the gym, including a once 8000 lb buffalo. The ceremony involved fire, weapons and yelling so it was a very popular event for the kids. The poor drummer maintained a steady beat on the drums the whole 60 minutes with a nasal canula strapped to his head and one hand on his bottle of oxygen. Great (free) entertainment.

The death toll of divorce continues in St John. Most recently, Tony's ex-partner and his wife announced their separation. My new maxum on marriage is: marital survival is dependent on spouses wanting and needing each other more than anything else. I assert here and now that I want Tony more than anyone else and need him like the air I breathe. Besides, I can't leave Tony. I need him to help launch and drive the boat at Rock Lake.


Child of God said...

Have you ever heard the phrase "the night is darkest just before the dawn" I apply that to marriage. Its an every day occurrence that you have to actively decide that if I can make it through this hard ship then the beautiful dawn awaits.

Kimberley said...

I found your blog on Jeff and Stacey's site and I love reading it. You are truly my kind of girl. I have to add to the ice cream and playing, that they can wear whatever they want and I don't care if they brush their hair, except on Sunday:)
Kim (stacey's sister)