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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

severed deer head

My friend Betina has the most amazing method of making me feel great. She asks my advice. She asks my advice on decorating, on clothing, on parenting. I don't usually have good advice and my opinions and tastes are less than immpecable, but the mere act of asking makes me feel good. My friend Becky, the owner of our local paper, asks me to edit her column. Today she said she really valued my comments, and that compliment lifted my spirits all afternoon. My friend Andrea also suggested that asking advice or opinions was a great way to bridge the generation gap. I think she's right. When I ask my teenage friend Callie for clothing advice, she feels valued. When I ask my Mom for parenting advice, she feels helpful.

My goal for the month: to improve relationships: ask for advice.

Tony was hilarious tonight. He spent an hour and a half on the phone with Verizon arguing over an $85.00 phone bill. Guess who emerged triumphant? That's my man-- Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard would have been so proud.

Reason 1,180 why I love St John: Yesterday when I took Max to the park we discovered a deer head in the garbage can; the whole head, antlers and all with it's eyes missing from the sockets and the tongue lolling out of it's head. It has been the focal point of every conversation Max has had for two days straight. I never found a severed deer head in the trash bin at the parks where I grew up. My kids are so lucky.


Cynthia said...

You do live in a great place! On the news this morning they were talking about finding random body parts throughout Las Vegas. What a world we live in!

andrea said...

that is so disgusting! Another great reason to love St. John.

Letty said...

I like the deer head...growing up that was just part of life. Now, I think Oscar would be traumatized if he were to "discover" one. yuck! I do not miss the hunting, skinning, cutting process of the whole "red-neck" society.
(I can say is my family)

Casey said...

To be honest, I would have screamed and peed my pants a little, but thats just me.