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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Summer of Weddings

 We have had the opportunity this summer to participate in several beautiful weddings of people we love.  The last two weeks have included temple sealing, so they have been particularly meaningful.  Last week we hosted 70 (yes seventy!) people for Corbin and Brit's wedding brunch.  As usual, everything came together beautifully.  A Loaves and Fishes miracle meant there was just enough food.  Tyler and Chelsea made a great memory by sneaking out of the brunch with all the college aged cousins to get burgers at In n Out.  Dad performed his first grandchild's sealing and gave special attention to Brit's insistence on a temple wedding.  He used the parable of the two sons in his counsel and promised that together they can meet Christ where he will give them a robe and a ring and welcome them to his kingdom of heaven.  After the temple everyone rested before the big party in LaVerkin at the family farm and orchard.  It was a beautiful night and I think Dustin and Kimberly were relieved and happy.  

Our second temple wedding was Savannah and Tate in the Provo City Center temple.  They had been married the night before in a beautiful venue in Lindon that looked like something out of Pride and Prejudice, the absolutely ideal place for a girl like Savannah.  We were all so touched when the sealer referenced the angels in the room, a clear reference to James,  and Betsy confirmed how many times she had felt James' influence attending to the details.  It felt good to be working with Andrea, Kari, and Kim pulling off the food.  There is no better feeling than being with your people united in a common cause of service.  After the temple there was an informal picnic at Jeff and Betsy's Max came over and i appreciated again the sweet relationship Jeff has built with him as they work on the yard together.  I was also glad that Sam chose to join us on this trip.  We were able to go thrifting together, he spent time with Eliza and connected with Max.  We spent the night at Tyler and Chelsea's so Tony got to play some pickleball and I went on a marvelous walk to the canyon just enjoying the chance to be outside.  It is something I miss so much being in St George-being outside in summer!

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