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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Weekend of Miracles

 Tony and I spent a beautiful 48 hours up north connecting with family and friends for two special events.  Saturday April 23 was Beck's angel day which is celebrated at the cemetery with a service project and rocket shoot.  We had invited Kate to join us, but on Saturday morning she cancelled because she wasn't feeling well.  Happily, at the last minute before we got to cedar city, she reconsidered and we were able to go back and get her. We even stopped to get ice cream in Beaver, Tony's best treat ever.   It was an especially happy surprise for Tyler.  Amazingly, the wind died down just as the rocket was shot and it almost landed on its launch spot.   We like those Beck miracles! 

 That night Tony and I grabbed dinner with Jeff and Betsy and joined them at the Provo City Center temple for the endowment of their friend from Peru. We experienced another miracle that night when the temple held the session so the young man could complete his initiatory work.  Many of those there were from Columbia and Tony was in heaven connecting with them.  Sunday morning we got to hear Owen give his sweet talk about his big brother whom he has never met, but who he wants to make breakfast for.  Pretty tender Sunday morning.  

We had the privilege of hearing Jake speak in his ward after blessing Pepper and it was so beautiful.  He gave a sentinel talk on the parable of the good Samaritan, emphasizing our need to be a little uncomfortable when we serve and I was inspired.  Peppers blessing was empowering and I believe Jake and Callie felt loved and supported.  Callie served a luncheon at the house so we had. chance to visit with friends and family including Audrey and the Holmes.  We love them so much.  We zoomed home fast so we wouldn't miss our English class,  the highlight of our week!  Kate got to do some serious adulting when she realized she had forgotten her keys and wallet at home!  Hopefully she got to see the love and support that is available to her when ever she needs it: Grandma and Grandpa lent their car, I lent cleaning supplies and gave rides and she had her keys by the next day-easy peezy.    While we were gone, Kimball flew home with the intent to serve a mission in Peru.  We were grateful for the opportunity to be apart of his life the last few months. He is a unique and very gifted person.  He is also a quirky turkey, with the most unregulated impulsivity I've ever seen. I love him and am proud of him.  


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