Blog Archive

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day

My friend spoke in sacrament meeting today and described a "mother disciple."  The way I understood it a mother disciple is a woman who is fulfilling her individualized mothering assignment in the context and focus of her discipleship role.  I liked this.  It has helped me be better about looking for affirmation from Heavenly Father.  I still struggle with the disappointment of my expectations and worldly definitions of mothering success, but It's been a better day as I've focused on approval and acceptance of my sacrifice by God alone.  Gratitude for my own mom and parents makes this day special as well.

Dad made a special dinner and tried really hard to involve my boys.  Max did not not come, which I expected, but really disappointed his Grandpa. He's not doing very well as a human being and is making some really poor choices.  Sam came and tried really hard to connect. 

While Tony and Eliza had their grand adventure in Paris, Becky Dickerson came to visit.  We had a lovely time together and I learn to appreciate St George through my guest's eyes.  I admire my friend Becky for her positive attitude in the face of debilitating MS.  She is really good at being grateful for small things and finding the surprise and beauty everywhere.  I loved taking her to Zion park and Snow Canyon because I saw it with fresh eyes.  

x did not not come, which I expected and disappointed Dad.  Sam came and tried really hard to connect.  One of the the sweetest gifts was that Wendy and Harlow joined me for church today.  

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