Blog Archive

Monday, October 3, 2011

lovely september

yikes! I blinked and September is gone! Highlights of September included:
starting school, (everyone)
starting seminary, (Wilson, Kaleb and Mom)
soccer, (Max)
football, (Wilson and Cooper)
clarinet (Eliza)
and pep band (Cooper)
We also had a couple of lovely last days at the lake, started the Dave Ramsey class, and have helped with several work days at the new St John museum. In memory of the 9/11 tragedy, we were asked to do service projects in our communities. I was really proud of how hard my boys (and husband) worked to remove five yards of coal from the basement of the new museum. It was bucket by bucket up the stairs and will hopefully prevent them from ever taking work in a coal mine. Tony was a little hysterical about us all getting black lung, but I think we have survived unscathed.

The above picture is of the lovely honey that the Workman's harvested from their bees. It has made the most delicious granola and as soon as we get a cold day we are going to slather it on homemade bread. I did learn a painful lesson the other day when I went out to "feed" the bees their honey water. I went on a 90 degree day in broad daylight without even thinking that it was August and the bees are a bit aggressive. As I reached for their food they became a little territorial and started attacking my head. I ran around the yard like a crazy person beating my hair and yelling for Eliza to come help me. I'm not sure what I expected her to do, but she was fortunatley smart enough to ignore my ranting and run into the house. Later I had to call Audrey my neighbor to come pull the stingers out of my scalp. It was an altogether humiliating experience. Plus it hurt.

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