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Friday, March 26, 2010


Eliza celebrates her 8th birthday today with chocolate covered cake balls on a stick and with an exciting infraction of the sleepover rule (actually, Lughesworth cousins are exempt from the rule).

I am much better at deprecation than praise, both of myself and my children, but today is my little girl's 8th birthday and I give myself permission to gush. I love my boys, but I thank Heavenly Father every day for the pleasure of a little girl. And not just any little girl. A beautiful, happy, strong girl. Eliza, I love your smile. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't comment on your sunshine personality. You and I are just wired to be happy and we share the unique gift of simply loving life. I love that you are obsessed with reading. I delight in hearing you read books with adorable inflection and prosody. I love your nose, it was my favorite part of your face as a baby and it is darling now. You have a beautiful body, thin and strong, especially your strong arms and biceps to die for. I adore your new haircut and am so proud of you for initiating your own sense of style. I love to watch you out-eat your brothers. Let's never lose our pleasure in food. I have loved our conversations lately about what it will be like for you to grow a baby and be a Mom and I will be the Grandma. You asked me if I will love the baby that you grow. I will, I know I will, but at this instant it seems impossible that I could ever love any little girl as much as I love you. Happy Birthday my precious 8 year old. Thank you for interrupting my life of boys with pink and sparkles and hearts and diamonds.

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