Blog Archive

Monday, October 22, 2007

big brown eyes and tons of hair

How is it possible that in the time it takes to exhale I can be so in love, that I would die for this little boy? Never, in the history of Guatemalan adoptions, has such a sweet, darling boy found his family. So far his temperment is very relaxed, very mellow. His little cry is sweet and heartbreaking. On our outing today to the mercado he fell asleep in Wilson's arms and napped for over an hour in Tony's while we shopped. We'll test that temperment on the long trip home.

We were suprised to find out that he has no teeth yet! Lorena reports that he is a good eater, all vegetables, fruits and dulces (sweets). It's pretty clear that he has been held A LOT! He will probably follow in his brother Max's footsteps and wait to walk until he is 15 months. We are hearing cute little verbalizations and Wilson and Cooper can make him belly laugh like crazy. Tony and I have yet to even earn a smile.

He has Tony's big head--including one very flat side, Cooper's lashes, Wilson's nose, Eliza's eyebrows (another waxing candidate) and as dark of eye's as Maxwell. I think he has my mouth, but we'll see.

My favorite things on this boy are his awesome sideburns. Wilson loves his chubby tummy and cheeks. Tony is enamored with his eyes and Cooper loves his smile.

We are all so anxious for him to meet Eliza and Max. This is so much better than I ever imagined.

This morning was really hard. We watched Leticia, Lorena and Marcos pull into the parking lot from our window. Lorena was already crying and Marcos was nestled so comfortably in her arms. The minute she saw me she just handed me the baby and broke down, then I started balling and it took awhile for us both to gain our composure. There is no question about how loved he's been. Lorena has four children including a 10 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. Her other two girls were 16 and 18 and cried and cried when he left. Lorena was very happy that the boys were here; she knew his transition would be easier with kids.

This is Wilson. I'm the only person that can make him laugh. All you say is, "buje buje buje!" He laughs hard . He is a very very very very cute boy. We want to speak Spanash around him as much as we can.

Cooper here. I think Marcos is vary cute. I was the 1ast one to see him. He loves me. He is not black! He is tannish blackish whitish--mostly cute.


Betsy said...

We decided to check your blog for family night just to see if there was news of Marcos. We are so happy to hear such great news!!! We all enjoyed reading your post. Where are the pictures? Savannah was so happy that Cooper described Marcos' skin color so clearly. She was wanting to know, before we checked your blog, if Marcos was the color of Max or of Wilson because she was coloring a picture of him. She was very satisfied with Cooper's discription. What a wonderful post that brings back so many great memories for us!!! It sounds like everyone is doing great. We can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you return.

Letty said...

Oh, Kelly I'm so excited for all of you. I can't wait to see baby Marcos...he is one lucky boy to have such a loving family. Have a great trip!