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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Cooper James turns 25

Feb 27, 2024

Dear Cooper,

One night out of the blue Dad said, "I think I'll call Cooper."  I told him not to because I knew you were at work and didn't want him to bother you.  But because Dad is stubborn and doesn't listen to me, and more importantly because he does follow the promptings of the spirit, he called.  Our hearts broke that night as you expressed the legal situation you were in and your overwhelming feelings of despair.  I wanted to take away all that hurt and stress and give you some relief, like I have since you were put into my arms 25 years ago.   I know life will continue to throw hard challenges, big decisions and complicated relationships.  You are a capable, gifted, independent adult and you have all the tools to navigate the hard.  We are always here to support you.  There isn't anything you can do to lose our love.  It's been that way from the first time I saw your beautiful brown eyes and giant baby feet.  It's that way now.  Happy 25th Birthday sweet boy-I can't wait to be apart of the amazing life, love and family you have ahead of you.  

Love, Mom

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