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Sunday, May 6, 2012

lessons this week

Max has had a sad day.  Mom discovered him on the patio snipping chunks out of Marcos' hair.  The consequence for cutting your brother's hair is that you have to shave off the afro you are so proud of.  All of Whitman county was able to hear the outrage and sadness associated with the consequence.  The only consolation is that hair grows back and that Mom promised to shave the words, "welcome home!" in his hair when Grandma and Grandpa get home.

Marcos asked me today why I don't show my boobs.  I told him I like to be modest.  He replied that his teachers at school show their boobs.   He's right, they do.  The like to show off their boobs with low cut clothes and copious amounts if cleavage.  He couldn't help but notice, and probably enjoy.

I was on the phone today and Marcos brought out all my shoes and proceeded to try to put them on my feet like he was trying on Cinderella's slipper.  When he found one that slid on easily he beamed and brought me a flower.  This act of service was so tender it reminded me the Savior washing the apostles feet.  It made me tear up.

Wilson completed his Eagle project yesterday.  He was a good worker and a good leader.  He had a good turnout including his "cousins" Jonah, Eli and Yuhua from Spokane.  Today he chose not to go to church. so no computer for a week.  Hope the sleep in was worth it.

Last night Dustin blessed the Riplets.  We were unable to make it for the blessing but were able to go for the dinner afterward.  I loved seeing Wilson tenderly (and a little awkwardly) holding babies two at a time.  Everyone wanted turns and thankfully there are enough babies for everyone to take turns simultaneously.  I think it is funny that we are all partial to the boys :)

We made a big decision this week.  We bought tickets to go to China to work in the Starfish Foster home and visit Grandma and Grandpa.  It is a big financial and time commitment, but things fell into place and so we feel good about it.  We go in June and will be traveling with Andrea, Eli and Lily Hainsworth who were planning to go at the same time.

I went to the Friday night session of Time out For Women, which is Deseret Book's attempts to sell spiritual experiences.  I really enjoyed Brad Wilcox's talk which focused on the temple, but the music was cheesy and painful.  I learned more from 30 minutes with Betsy and Andrea than I did from the whole spiritual performance.

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