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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hurray for snow! It feels like we squashed a month's worth of snow enjoyment into a week of snow! Tony and the boys went skiing twice, Cooper had a great time snowmobiling with friends, we all have been sledding and I even had my snowshoes out a couple of times. The shoveling was a great opportunity for meaningful work and service for the kids and a good workout for mom. Marcos and I made a "snow restaurant" that served hot chocolate. The kids were out of school two days this week and we went through 2 #10 cans of hot chocolate.

Before the snow hit on Monday I took the three youngest kids up to Spokane where we met cousins for a movie. Kimberly got to come home from the hospital. The Riplet babies are doing amazingly well. They are all off of their breathing machines and getting stronger every day.

Before the movie I was explaining to all the cousins that before Martin Luther King and people like him, Max would not have been allowed in the movie theatre. Again I was grateful for their utter inability to comprehend this idea. Max explained to me that, " I'm not exactly black, I'm just really dark white." He is so clever.

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