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Sunday, January 9, 2011

shake down

I've liked being a Mom for 14 years; really enjoyed it. This week there was no joy. No joy, no fun, no exhilerating challenge. I am in way over my head. These feelings frighten me. I've been forced to spend a lot of time every day praying, swallowing my pride and rebuilding my shaken confidence. I have not seen the end of parenting challenges and I haven't been through the worst. What I do have going for me is this: I know that God is more powerful than the adversary. I have great parents with excellent counsel. I am teamed up with an amazing partner, equally vested in these children. Good thing I didn't know about this week's adventures during the adoption process or I would have never gone all the way.

On a happier note, I am pleased to announce that 4 out of 5 Lundberg children are not the athletic weak link on their respective sports teams. Wilson is kicking butt in wrestling--beating the pants off of high school juniors and seniors. Cooper is an integral member of his basketball team and scores points all game. Eliza played the whole game and made a basket--OK it was in the other team's hoop, but it was a beautiful shot. Max doesn't just have an athletic body, he has a good arm and "hops." We have no idea about Marcos. I never want my kids to have the horrible feelings I grew up with of being picked last and being the worst on a team. My lack of competitive drive didn't help any either. I've decided that although I will never be a star athlete, I could become a Varsity level trash talker. I'm currently working on that goal.

I've been released from Young Women's and am in the nursery. I liked being in a presidency (feeling needed, using my talents), but nursery is as relaxing of a calling as is humanly possible in our church. It's a lovely weekly break from the difficulties at home, to love and enjoy other people's sweet, uncomplicated 2 year olds.

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