Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

max is four

Dear Max,

Today you are four. You have milked it all day. You have eaten forbidden foods, watched way too much TV and have not done a single one of your chores. You even got to wear your new Spiderman Suit to bed. It's been quite a day.

You are getting so tall and so handsome. I am very proud of you for learning to go off the diving board this summer and swim with your face underwater. I love the way you talk, your facial expressions and your smile that will not only open doors, but roll out the red carpet. You are cautious, always careful. You are also sneaky. I know who hides the vegetables under the table near your chair.

You love your brothers. Many times a day I find you and Marcos cheek to cheek, head to head or eye to eye, wrapped up in a big hug. You love your sister. You try hard to understand and cooperate in her girl games. You love your Dad. Your terrific giggles always give you away when you are hiding from him and he loves every minute.

I know you love me. Sometimes you love and need me so much I can't breathe and I get impatient with you. I am sorry. Every night I ask you, "who's boy are you?" You look at me with your beautiful black eyes and perfect brown skin and reply, "yours." I love this ending to your day.

Sleep well my boy. Tomorrow you are back to nutritious meals, limited TV and having to make your bed. For tonight, enjoy your superhero dreams in your spiderman pajamas and know your Mom loves you beyond comprehension.


andrea said...

Happy birthday Max. How time flies. I can't believe he is four already. We love that boy. Glad he had a great day.

Betina said...

Max is great! Better than chocolate cake!

We love our little Max. Oakley tells me he loves Max almost more than he tells me he loves me. But don't worry. I'm not jealous.