Blog Archive

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Happy 31st anniversay

 Our anniversaries are celebrated now where we began.  In Zion of course!  This year we hiked, saw three plays at the Shakespeare festival, including one with Amy that had our stomachs hurting for hours from all the laughing.  We discovered an amazing bakery, had Thai and Indian food and stayed up way too late :)

I'm gaining a stronger testimony every year that our families are the vehicles we need for perfection and salvation.  Tony is who perfects me.  He challenges my weaknesses and encourages my strengths.  He is my stability and my disequilibrium.  He is my confidant and competitor.  Tony has defined what love means in all its complexity and messiness.  Tony did not come from a traditional background.  We did not have a traditional courtship.  We have not built a traditional family.  This disruption of tradition was exactly what I needed.  Thank you Ruby for not taking no for an answer and for being my partner in the perfection process.  I love you, and you are the one who taught me what that means.  

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