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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

 I am pleased to report that all 7 Lundbergs were together for a holiday and it was a success with no drama or fights!  It was a beautiful evidence that God heals broken things.  Eliza arrived Tuesday afternoon in good spirits and Cooper and Max flew in on Tuesday night late.  Hainsworths arrived on Wednesday so we spent the day prepping for the hungry pilgrim feast and playing pickleball.  A few of us went to the tabernacle exhibit.  It is such a significant way to prepare for our new temple and we loved the giant picture of the Tijuana temple.  Jeff and Stacey were here visiting Grandma and Grandpa, so they joined as well. Callie and Jake arrived to complete our family happiness!

The hungry pilgrim feast was a great success.  We scored Croshaws pies with some luck and telephone endurance on November 1st.  I was a little grumbly about waiting in line to pick the pies up.  While standing there I overheard someone mention Tekoa Washington and then Spokane.  I spent the next 45 minutes in line enjoying a wonderful conversation with Palouse familiar people and it made my day.  Everyone was happy and friendly, until I got walked out with 10 coveted pies.  

It was fun to introduce Jeff and Stacey to our tradition and the hungry pilgrim feast is always the highlight for me.  My favorite was Brooklyn's apple cranberry, because she makes the best crust.  Other favorites were the lemon sour cream and blueberry sour cream.  

On Thursday Luke took over the kitchen and by 3:00 we had our feast!  Tony did two turkeys this year, but his classic sage and rosemary was the best.  I snuck in a visit to Rob and Julie, my cousins visiting from Kansas.  I felt peaceful and calm all day.  I was happy that Wilson took Wendy to the instantcare and then to the house because both she and Harlow were so sick with pneumonia.  I think Wendy felt relieved to have a bath and crawl into my bed for a rest.  Luke even made her homemade tomato soup.  

Cooper had rented a fancy car to drive down from Vegas so he was our official errand runner.  He also was the official coffee, chic filet and Popeyes runner.  Sam and Eliza were thrilled to be spoiled by their big brother.  

Max stayed until after thanksgiving dinner and then went north to visit his girlfriend for the weekend.  Wilson lent him his car, and Chelsea let him stay at the house.  It was also a weekend to celebrate Max's graduation from high school.  Cooper gets the credit-it was the nicest gift he's ever given me or Max.  

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